
e-learning day

OMG my male Sim got abducted by aliens and now he's pregnant. LOL!!!

Anyway, it's awesome to see Xiaxue dish out so many secrets about Dawn Yang that I obviously didn't know :O
Who knew there could be so much drama in the blogosphere.

Phew, and I finished my e-learning.

Okay, I edited this post because I just don't want to post another entry -_-
I just realised my "diao" face has a lot of variations, like:
-.- and -_- and -__ (don't ask about how this came about) and -.-?
But, I usually say "LOL" even though it's obvious it's "diao".
Sometimes, I just need to be polite, hahaha. I don't usually use ":/". That's the reason.
Alrighto, it's confusing. I know. Shut up.

Okay, a few weeks ago my mom and I was talking and I was so-called reminiscing about the times when I was a baby. My mom said I was a total brat 'cause I needed toys every day when I was in hospital that time. The only things I can remember about my admission to the ward was those blinding surgery lights and the petrol station my dad brought me... to eat curry puffs.
Also, she said I was hung on this sarong thing, I can remember it was shaking really hard and I couldn't sleep, LOL! Yup, she did put a mattress under the sarong thing.

Okay, about last night. I wasn't there but my mom told me everything. OMG. So embarrassing. She said, "I saw Pearlyn over there taking pictures, and I walked up to her and said "I'm Geng Hao's mum" and asked her why he did not have duties". She also said Pearlyn was only taking pictures of our form teacher and classmates, LOL.
Then, there was this Target Setting Form, and I clearly remembered I passed up both the copy and original, but SUAY SUAY OVER THERE CANNOT FIND. lmao. There was this person who said "Maybe Geng Hao isn't from 2R4" and my mom told me "A boy called Marcus told me that Geng Hao is in 2R4." Oh my gosh -.-
There was this confusing situation when they couldn't find my form, and my mom said, "That person said she will be giving me Keith's information but without the form". Right, you mean without the form there will also be no information?! OMG LOL.

Did Mr Ong really see my form clearly? My parents were going!
Okay, I was so glad I had no duties that night. :)

Tag Replies:
Jun Jie: Ya la LOL, why you say so much.
HuiYen: Yes yes! HAHAHA -_-
yiren: I where got say, siao zha bor.
Janet: Omg you mean they put the frying pan right at that place har? -_-
Molly: Thanks but no thanks :D
tayxi: Hi TayXi.
Charlene: Hahaha glad you liked it! :D
Jun Jie: Tag replies loh.
Rebekah: No lah, I admit I'm bones -.-
Janet: You making spaghetti right?
Jun Jie: LMAO. 'Cause my mother was curious why they couldn't find my form so she actually questioned it too.
Rebekah: Yup. No doubt about that. However, I think Dawn Yang is pretty much of a poser too.

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